Toward Environmentally Conscious Products AEHA

The fourth edition of the Product Assessment Manual (Executive Summary)

A PDF version of this file is available for download.


1. Purpose of product assessment and this manual
2. Using method
3. Organization / structure
4. Evaluation method
5. Product assessment guideline (check list)
6. Design guideline for marking and labeling
  6-1. Identification coding system of plastic parts
  6-2. Recycling symbols for ease of manual dismantling and separating operations
  6-3. The marking for presence of the specific chemical substances for electrical and electronic equipment
  6-4. Presence and absence of the specific chemical substances in mounted boards
  6-5. Labeling of equipment in which compact rechargeable battery is used
  6-6. Container packaging identification labeling of electric home appliances
7. References
  7-1. Activity of product assessment of electric home appliances industry in Japan
  7-2. Relation between the Japanese legislation and product assessment manual
  7-3. Relationship with international standard and specification


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